Try before you buy

Some more details on our trial days.

We are running two days 15th and 22nd June at Hampton FC off Field Lane.  You are welcome to both or can attend either session.

The session will be 10.00-12.00.  Players should wear a football kit, football boots and shin pads are a must. Also, they should bring a bottle of water and possibly sun protection, depending on the weather! All those aged between 4 and 13 are welcome and will be offered a place.

“Hi All, Unfortunately, we have been forced to change the planned recruitment dates. Over Spring Hampton have spent 10K on the pitches because of the recent weather Hampton FC aren’t happy for the ground to be used yet. Last night the committee changed the dates to 6th and 13th of July could you please pass this on to anyone you might have recruited. Hopefully, see you all next month. “

Hopefully, see you then.